The real work of altering the landscape | petroglyphs always
to accommodate the requirements of | face the river
the railroad was provided largely by | too high up
African American slaves contracted | to be seen from a boat
out to the railroad and Irish laborers. |
The Irish were important in the | minstrels blacken
construction of the Cowan Tunnel, | their faces but
especially in the blasting, because | never their eyes
owners of contracted slaves would |
expect recompense if they were harmed, | yes boss I will do that
while the Irish were considered | I will lay my head
expendable. | upon the brow of the hill
| I will do that for you
| listen for the train
| diddly diddly boom
| carve your head upon my shoulder
1 Tennessee Encyclopedia of History and Culture,
Susan Charkes lives in southeastern PA. Her poetry has been published in a variety of literary journals. She is also the author of three nonfiction books about the outdoors.