Kessinger - Barren Darkness


Mark Kessinger

 Barren Darkness

this night the stones hand

their invisible noises

to each other.

Nothing louder than

a skittering,

nothing bigger than

the final flap

just before the talons

clutch their


You'd think that you could hear

the sky crawl the ground

but it is just wind seep

each morning blue canvas

fails to match

the night before

the rocks show 

no scrap marks, no torn pieces

stuck to the barrels of bristles,

or the thorns of sotal.

This could be the 

home of the shipwrecks

of dreams

a trophy case of

wasted times

a waiting room

for sunburns.

Little else.


Mark Kessinger lives and writes in the Houston area. He is the author of two collections of poetry, The Exploded View and The Book of Joe. "The Barren Darkness" is his 118th published piece and comes from the Nevada manuscript. He has also written "The Cone of Certainty" about living through Hurricane Harvey. In addition to his poetry, he is the author of Creatures Dead, a novel. His website is